Saturday 28 January 2012

Can you believe.....

that February is just a few days away?!?!?  How did that happen?!?!  We've had such a mild winter so far this year, maybe it'll finally arrive with February!  Although I haven't really missed getting the kids all bundled up in their snow pants, coats and the rest of their gear!

Well, it seems that some of the designers at Scrapable are looking forward to spring!  Caged Bird Designs has an adorable kit out called Dandelions & Lollipops!  The whole kit just feels of spring!
Here's a page of Q, still in his crawling days!

Designer Girl Scraps and Teresa Digi Designs teamed up and created this awesome collab kit, Life as I know it: January!  I love all the greys and yellows, but my absolute fav part of the kit is the camera elements on which you can add the date (month, days and years are included)!!
Here's my LO using their great kit!  I wasn't able to use the camera dating system, but I'm sure I'll be using it in LOs to come!

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